How to get From Ploshchad Lenina metro station and
Finlyandsky railway station
15 minutes by foot
1. Head south in the direction of Komsomol street (59 m).
2. Turn right at the intersection with Komsomol street (220 m).
3. At the intersection with Akademika Lebedeva street turn left, and follow it to Pirogovskaya embankment (300 m).
4. Turn right prior to the entrance to Liteyny bridge, and follow the embankment to the intersection with Bolshoy Sampsonievsky prospekt (400 m).
5. Cross Bolshoy Sampsoniyevsky prospekt at the pedestrian crossing (20 m).
6. Along Pirogovskaya embankment and the parking lot of the Saint Petersburg Hotel head to the main entrance (150 m).
15 minutes by shuttle bus
1. Shuttle buses K367, K 400, K 32 from the Finlyandsky railway station in the direction of Bolshoy Sampsonievsky prospekt. Get off at the bus stop “Botkinskaya street”.
2. Head south along Bolshoy Sampsonievsky prospekt in the direction of Pirogovskaya embankment (200 m).
3. At the intersection with Pirogovskaya embankment tirn right (230 m).
4. Shuttle bus K30 from the Finlyandsky railway station in the direction of Bolshoy Sampsonievsky prospekt. Get off at the bus stop “Saint Petersburg Hotel”.
5. Head to the pedestrian crossing in the direction of the Sampsonievsky bridge along Finlyandsky Prospekt in the direction of the river (50 m).
6. Follow the hotel building along Pirogovskaya embankment, turn left to the main entrance (230 m).
14 minutes by tram
1. Take the tram No. 3, 6 on Komsomol street in the direction of pl. Lenina. Ride three stops to the stop “Hotel Saint Petersburg”.
2. Head to the pedestrian crossing in the direction of the Sampsonievsky bridge along Finlyandsky Prospekt in the direction of the river (50 m).
3. Follow the hotel building along Pirogovskaya embankment, turn left to the main entrance (230 m).